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Isolation and characteristics of carboxypeptidase B from the pyloric ceca of the starfish Asterias amurensis
星级: 7 页
Isolation and characteristics of trypsin from pyloric ceca of the starfish Asterina pectinifera
星级: 6 页
Isolation and characterization of a trypsin fraction from the pyloric ceca of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
星级: 9 页
Isolation and characterization of trypsin from pyloric caeca of Monterey sardine Sardinops sagax caerulea
星级: 8 页
Purification and characterization of trypsin from the pyloric caeca of brownstripe red snapper (Lutjanus vitta)
星级: 7 页
Characteristics of trypsin from the pyloric ceca of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma)
星级: 6 页
Characterization of phospholipase A2 from the pyloric ceca of two species of starfish, Coscinasterias acutispina and Plazaster b
星级: 5 页
Simple method for purification of carboxypeptidase B from starfish pyloric ceca
星级: 3 页
Partial Purification and Properties of Phospholipase A_2 from the Pyloric Ceca of Starfish Coscinasterias acutispina
星级: 7 页