- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
- Dedication
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Contents
- About the Author
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Chapter 1: Introduction: Mapping the Terrains
- Chapter 2: Chinese Oil Investments in Latin America: Evolution, Behavior, and Motivations
- Chapter 3: Determinants of CSR Commitments: A Theoretical Dimension
- Chapter 4: Chinese Oil Investments in Ecuador and Peru: The Role of Indigenous Civil Society and Government Regulations
- 4.1 Chinese Oil Companies in Peru and Ecuador: A Social Dimension
- 4.2 Peru and NOCs: Vivid Civil Society and Enabling Political Contexts
- 4.2.1 Contemporary Indigenous Activism: Diverse Actors, Collaborative Strategies, and Network Cohesions
- 4.2.2 Civil Society Beyond Strategies: A Historical Trend of Strengthening
- 4.2.3 Regulatory Framework 1: Accommodating Policies and Legislations Toward Minority Populations
- 4.2.4 Regulatory Framework 2: Liberal Oil Sector Governance
- 4.3 Ecuador and NOCs: Waning Civil Society and Disabling Political Contexts
- 4.3.1 Contemporary Indigenous Activism: Marginalized Actors, Combative Strategies, and Fragmented Networks
- 4.3.2 Civil Society Beyond Strategies: A Historical Trend of Weakening
- 4.3.3 Regulatory Framework 1: Hostile Attitudes Toward the Indigenous
- 4.3.4 Regulatory Framework 2: Resource Nationalism and Favoritism Toward NOCs
- 4.4 International CSR Initiatives: A Preliminary Analysis
- 4.5 Conclusion
- Chapter 5: New Investments in Argentina and Colombia: CSR, Regulatory Regime Centrality, and Openness
- Chapter 6: Chinese Oil Investments in Venezuela: Could the Business Case Work in the Absence of Exogenous Motivators?
- Chapter 7: Conclusions: Summary of Findings and the Way Forward
- Bibliography
- Index
Chinese Oil Enterprises in Latin America_ Corporate Social Responsibility
上传日期:2018-07-11 23:57:56