- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
- Foreword
- Contents
- 1 The Possibilities for Education in an Era of Schooling
- 2 A Festschrift for My Friend?
- 3 Curriculum Studies in Australia: Stephen Kemmis and the Deakin Legacy
- 4 Recollecting the Dilemmas of Reform
- 5 Evolution of the Action Research Planners: Towards Critical Participatory Action Research
- 6 Education, Work and Life
- 7 Action Research and Communicative Spaces
- 8 Practitioner Research in the Company of Others: Resistance in the Face of Normalising Practice
- 9 Action Research and Praxis: Grasping the Mystery of What Happens?
- 10 Knowing Pedagogical Praxis in Twenty-First Century Education
- 11 On Practice Theory, or What’s Practices Got to Do (Got to Do) with It?
- 12 Practice Architectures and Being Stirred into Academic Practices of a Research Group
- 13 Practice Architectures and Ecologies of Practices: Knowing Practice Within Sites
- 14 Practice Theory and Policy: Redesigning ‘Quality’ Teacher Education in Australia
- 15 Reminiscences, Reflections, Recognition
- 16 Life in Practices: Challenges for Education and Educational Research
- Appendix The Theory of Practice Architectures: An Incomplete Bibliography
- Books
- Monographs and Reports
- Special Issues
- Book Chapters
- Refereed Journal Articles
- Doctoral Theses From PEP Members
- Other Doctoral Theses
- Some Digital Resources
- Index
2018版-Education in an Era of Schooling
上传日期:2018-09-09 07:13:00