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- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
The Block Theory of Finite Group Algebras , Volume II (2018, Cambridge University Press)
星级: 522 页
Invariant Theory of Finite Group Actions on Down-Up Algebras
星级: 47 页
Wave Theory of Information -Cambridge University Press (2018)
星级: 475 页
Finite subgroups of units of group algebras, I
星级: 8 页
6 环境噪声影响评价
星级: 95 页
Invariant theory for quantum Weyl algebras under finite group action
星级: 15 页
On table algebras and applications to finite group theory
星级: 49 页
K-theory of group-rings of finite groups over maximal orders in division algebras
星级: 14 页