- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
Understanding Understanding
星级: 141 页
星级: 375 页
on misunderstanding ‘understanding’
星级: 20 页
Understanding and understanding of big data
星级: 6 页
understanding dance understanding理解舞蹈理解
星级: 23 页
To Understand Your Understanding, One Must Understand What Understanding Means
星级: 6 页
星级: 776 页
Генерационный и квалификационный признаки категории understanding
星级: 4 页
Understanding Γ( → πγ)Γ(ω → πγ)
星级: 5 页
- Acknowledgements
- Contents
- Introduction
- 1 Changing Relationships Between Science and Technology
- The Roots of Engineering Science
- 2 The Intellectual Roots of Engineering Science
- 3 The Social and Economic Roots of Engineering Science
- 4 The Institutional Roots of Engineering Science
- The Rise of Engineering Science
- 5 The Emergence of Engineering Science
- 6 The Establishment of Engineering Science: The Harmony of Theory and Practice
- Engineering Science-Based Industries
- 7 New Materials
- 8 New Power Sources
- 9 New Transportation Systems
- 10 New Methods of Production
- Epilogue
- 11 From Engineering Science to Technoscience
- Name Index