- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
- Cover Image
- Title Page
- Copyright & Permissions
- Acknowledgments
- Author Listing
- Table of Contents
- Foreword—Donald A. Hodges
- Preface—Kenneth E. Bruscia
- Chapter 1: Overview of Music Therapy Research—Barbara L. Wheeler, Kenneth E. Bruscia
- Defining and Distinguishing Music Therapy Research
- Ways of Conceptualizing Research
- Types of Objectivist Research
- Types of Interpretivist Research
- Other Types of Research
- Issues in Music Therapy Research
- Chapter 2: Music Therapy Research: A Historical Portrait—Theresa R. Merrill
- Introduction and Critique
- Headwaters: Origins of Music Therapy Research
- Chapter 3: Developing a Topic—Alice-Ann Darrow
- The Role of Paradigms in Developing a Topic
- Identifying a Topic of Interest
- Formulating a Research Problem
- Objectivist Research
- Interpretivist Research
- Conclusion
- Chapter 4: Reviewing the Literature—Elaine A. Abbott
- What Is a Literature Review?
- Conducting the Literature Review
- Conclusion
- Chapter 5: Ethical Thinking in Music Therapy Research—Kathleen M. Murphy
- Ethical Foundations of Research
- Guidelines for Ethical Research Involving Human Participants
- The Institutional Review Board
- Informed Consent
- Data—Security, Electronic Transfer, Disposal Post-Research
- Conclusion
- Appendix
- Chapter 6: Multicultural Considerations in Music Therapy Research—Seung-A Kim, Cochavit Elefant
- Culture-Related Issues and Challenges in Research
- Multicultural Considerations in Designing Music Therapy Research
- Examples of Culture-Oriented Music Therapy Research
- Research Methods
- Conclusion
- Chapter 7: Epistemological Foundations of Objectivist and Interpretivist Research—James Hiller
- Ontology and Epistemology
- Objectivist and Interpretivist Research and the Study of Human Beings
- Objectivist Research Epistemologies
- Interpretivist Research Epistemologies
- Conclusion
- Chapter 8: Principles of Objectivist Research—Nicki S. Cohen
- What Is Objectivist Research?
- Topics and Questions
- Epistemology: Positivism and Postpositivism
- Historical Roots
- Objectivist Concepts and Terms
- Designing Objectivist Research
- Risk of Bias
- Conclusion
- Chapter 9: Principles of Interpretivist Research—Barbara L. Wheeler
- What Is Interpretivist Research?
- Focuses, Topics, and Questions
- Philosophical Bases and Epistemology
- Historical Roots
- Features of Interpretivist Research
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 10: Overview of Measurement Issues in Objectivist Research—Eric G. Waldon
- Key Measurement Terms
- Measurement: Evaluating Technical Adequacy
- Resources for Finding and Evaluating Measures
- Levels of Measurement
- Types of Measurement Items
- Conclusion
- Chapter 11: Potential Problems in Objectivist Research—Arthur P. Sullivan, John A. Sullivan
- Potential Problems
- Recognizing and Ameliorating Problems
- Conclusion
- Chapter 12: Introduction to Statistical Concepts—Anthony Meadows
- Purposes of Statistical Analysis
- Types of Statistics and Levels of Data
- Descriptive Statistics
- A Music Therapy Example: Framing Questions and Statistical Methods
- Conclusion
- Chapter 13: Data Collection in Interpretivist Research—Douglas R. Keith
- Considerations in Data Collection
- Methods of Data Collection
- Conclusion
- Chapter 14: Types of Objectivist Research Designs—Kenneth E. Bruscia
- Single Subject and Small N Research
- Descriptive Research
- Pre-Experimental Designs
- Quasi Experimental Designs
- Experimental Designs
- Chapter 15: Types of Interpretivist Designs—Kenneth E. Bruscia
- Natural Setting Approaches
- Phenomenology
- Meaning-Focused Research
- Language-Focused Research
- Theoretical Approaches
- Case Approaches
- Chapter 16: Other Types of Research—Kenneth E. Bruscia
- Microanalysis
- Music-Focused Research
- Mixed Methods Research
- Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Synthesis
- Historical Research
- Philosophical Inquiry
- Chapter 17: Evaluating Objectivist Research—Cathy H. McKinney
- Criteria for Evaluation
- Ultimate Criteria
- Conclusion
- Chapter 18: Evaluating Interpretivist Research—Brian Abrams
- Categories of Interpretivist Research Evaluation
- Conclusion
- Chapter 19: Reading, Writing, and Submitting Objectivist Research—Anthony Meadows
- Reading Objectivist Research
- Writing Objectivist Research
- Submitting Objectivist Research
- Conclusion
- Chapter 20: Reading, Writing, and Submitting Interpretivist Research—Susan C. Gardstrom
- Reading Interpretivist Research
- Writing Interpretivist Research
- Submitting Interpretivist Research
- Conclusion
- Glossary
2016版-An Introduction to Music Therapy Research, Third Edition
上传日期:2018-09-15 07:42:06