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Pavement Structure and Materials
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- Contents
- Introduction
- Fuel Resistance Asphalt Binder: Mixing Procedure and Fuel Damage Resistance
- Evaluating the Thermal Characteristics of Rubberized Asphalt by Applying the Object-Based Approach
- Effect of Anti-stripping Agents on Asphalt Mix Performance Using a Mechanistic Approach
- Stiffening Thin Orthotropic Deck Structures with Thermoset Epoxy Asphalt for Improved Fatigue Resistance
- Changes in Chemical Fingerprints of Asphalt Binders Due to Aging
- Asphalt Mixtures that Dissipates Energy—Comparison of Conventional and Newly Developed Mixtures
- Study on Moisture Susceptibility of Foamed Warm Mix Asphalt
- Effect of Different Adding Methods of Nano-TiO2 on Photocatalytic Degradation of Automobile Exhaust on Asphalt Mixture
- Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiations on the Performance of Asphalt Concrete Pavements
- Effect of Overloaded Vehicles on Whole Life Cycle Cost of Flexible Pavements
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Determination of the Impact of Overloaded Vehicles on Service Period of Flexible Pavements
- 2.1 Weigh in Motion Data Used in Analysis
- 2.2 Problem of Overloaded Vehicles in Poland
- 2.3 Effect of Overloaded Vehicles on Load Equivalency Factors and Truck Equivalency Factors
- 2.4 Decrease in Fatigue Life of Pavement Structures Caused by Overloaded Vehicles
- 2.5 Extension of Residual Fatigue Life and Service Period of Flexible Pavement Structures Due to Reduction of Number of Overloaded Vehicles
- 3 Example of Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Pavement with Existing and Reduced Percentage of Overloaded Vehicles
- 4 Conclusions
- References
- Practical Pavement Design Approach Subjected to Seepage Conditions
- Study on Shrinkage of Ordinary Concrete Under Different Temperatures and Humidity
- Representing Collected Road Condition Data with Chernoff Faces for Evaluation of Pavement Conditions
- Reflective Cracking in Composite Pavements—A Case Study
- Optimization of Gravel Road Blading
- Author Index