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Puzzle Connection A Study On The Effects Of Music Tempo On
星级: 13 页
Application of Solid State NMR on Polymers and Rubbers-柴仕淦
星级: 47 页
Development of a Chemiresistor Sensor Based on Polymers-Dye Blend for Detection of Ethanol Vapor
星级: 9 页
Numerical Simulations of the Impact and Spreading of a Particulate Drop on a Solid Substrate
星级: 11 页
On Solid Ground (A Touch of Fat - K.L. Grayson.docx
星级: 63 页
Thermocapillary Motion of Drops on a Solid Horizontal Surface
星级: 10 页
helix formation in linear achiral dendronized polymers. a computer simulation study
星级: 24 页
Helix formation in linear achiral dendronized polymers. A computer simulation study
星级: 24 页
Dendronized Polymers Synthesis, Characterization
星级: 20 页